Lotto No. 587

KRALICE BIBLE IN SIX VOLUMES (1579-1594), Volume IV 1587

Biblj České Djľ čtwrtý W nowě wydaný, Léta MDLXXXVII. [=1587] Syrach 48. 26. Izaiaš Prorok weliký a wzácný w proroctwj swém. [XIV] - 424 - [I] ll. (Knihy Djľu čtwrtého. Izaiáš. Geremiáš. Ezechyel. Danyel. Ozeáš. Joel. Amos. Abdyáš. Jonáš. Micheáš. Náhum. Abakuk. Sofonyáš. Aggeus. Zacharyáš. Malachyáš.)
Scope: 4° [XIV] -424-[I]

Czech Bible published in Kralice. Publication year: 1587. Brotherhood Union Printing Shop 1579-1594. Expert cooperation: Sušický, Samuel and Felín, Adam. Text printer: Solinus, Zachariáš (deceased 1596) and Elam, Václav (deceased 1622). Translator: Blahoslav, Jan.
The Kralice Bible is the first full Czech translation from the original languages. Cooperating in publication: B. Ondřej Štefan (†1577), Jan Eneáš Boleslavský, Izaiáš Cibulka = (Caepola †1582), Jan Capito (†1589), Jiří Strejc (†1599), Hebraists Mikuláš Albert z Kaménka Silesius (†1617) and Lukáš Helic, Jan Efraim (Efreim, †1600), Pavel Jessenius (Jesen, †1594). Assistants for exegesis: Samuel Sušický and Adam Felín. The template was Polyglotta Antorfská (1568-1572), published by Benedikt Arias Montanus and the Latin translation of the Old Testament Franc. Junia and Eman. Tremelia, prof. heidelber. (1575-1578). In the spring of 1578 the printer was moved from Ivančice, kde byla na zboží p. z Lipé, do Kralic, na zboží p. Jana ze Žerotína. The printing works in Kralice were managed by Zacharias Solinus (†1596), then brother Václav Elam, who managed the printing of the Jednodílka.
Literature: Graesse I. 371, Jungmann;1849: Jungmann IV. 1167, Book List No 1107 and Book List - Addenda No 1107.
Condition: the book has received new a leather biding and brass clasps, apparently in the 19th century. It is a complete specimen. Some pages were restored.

28.11.2015 - 14:00

Prezzo realizzato: **
CZK 38.000,-
CZK 40.000,-
Prezzo di partenza:
CZK 26.000,-

KRALICE BIBLE IN SIX VOLUMES (1579-1594), Volume IV 1587

Biblj České Djľ čtwrtý W nowě wydaný, Léta MDLXXXVII. [=1587] Syrach 48. 26. Izaiaš Prorok weliký a wzácný w proroctwj swém. [XIV] - 424 - [I] ll. (Knihy Djľu čtwrtého. Izaiáš. Geremiáš. Ezechyel. Danyel. Ozeáš. Joel. Amos. Abdyáš. Jonáš. Micheáš. Náhum. Abakuk. Sofonyáš. Aggeus. Zacharyáš. Malachyáš.)
Scope: 4° [XIV] -424-[I]

Czech Bible published in Kralice. Publication year: 1587. Brotherhood Union Printing Shop 1579-1594. Expert cooperation: Sušický, Samuel and Felín, Adam. Text printer: Solinus, Zachariáš (deceased 1596) and Elam, Václav (deceased 1622). Translator: Blahoslav, Jan.
The Kralice Bible is the first full Czech translation from the original languages. Cooperating in publication: B. Ondřej Štefan (†1577), Jan Eneáš Boleslavský, Izaiáš Cibulka = (Caepola †1582), Jan Capito (†1589), Jiří Strejc (†1599), Hebraists Mikuláš Albert z Kaménka Silesius (†1617) and Lukáš Helic, Jan Efraim (Efreim, †1600), Pavel Jessenius (Jesen, †1594). Assistants for exegesis: Samuel Sušický and Adam Felín. The template was Polyglotta Antorfská (1568-1572), published by Benedikt Arias Montanus and the Latin translation of the Old Testament Franc. Junia and Eman. Tremelia, prof. heidelber. (1575-1578). In the spring of 1578 the printer was moved from Ivančice, kde byla na zboží p. z Lipé, do Kralic, na zboží p. Jana ze Žerotína. The printing works in Kralice were managed by Zacharias Solinus (†1596), then brother Václav Elam, who managed the printing of the Jednodílka.
Literature: Graesse I. 371, Jungmann;1849: Jungmann IV. 1167, Book List No 1107 and Book List - Addenda No 1107.
Condition: the book has received new a leather biding and brass clasps, apparently in the 19th century. It is a complete specimen. Some pages were restored.

Asta: Arte e antiquariato
Tipo d'asta: Asta in sala
Data: 28.11.2015 - 14:00
Luogo dell'asta: Hotel Marriott, Prague
Esposizione: 21.11. - 28.11.2015

** Prezzo di acquisto, esclusa la tassa e l'IVA dell'acquirente

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