Lotto No. 740

THE SIX-VOLUME BIBLE OF KRALICE (1579-1594), Volume IV, 1587

Biblj České Djľ čtwrtý W nowě wydaný, Léta MDLXXXVII. [=1587] Syrach 48. 26. Izaiaš Prorok weliký a wzácný w proroctwj swém. [XIV] - 424 - [I] ll. (Books of Volume IV. Isaiah. Jeremiah. Ezekiel. Daniel. Hosea. Joel. Amos. Obadiah. Jonah. Micheus. Nahum. Habakkuk. Zephaniah. Aggeus. Zacharias. Malachy.); Kralice: Brethren Print Shop 1588
Scope: 4° ; [XIV] -424-[I]

Czech Bible published in Kralice. Year of publishing: 1587. The Print Shop of the Unity of the Brethren 1579-1594. Expert cooperation: Sušický, Samuel and Felín, Adam. Text printer: Solinus, Zacharias (died in 1596) and Elam, Václav (died in 1622). Translator: Blahoslav, Jan. The Bible of Kralice is the first complete Czech translation from original languages. The edition was co-authored by: B. Ondřej Štefan († 1577), Jan Eneáš Boleslavský, Izaiáš Cibulka = (Caepola † 1582), Jan Capito († 1589), Jiří Strejc († 1599), experts in Hebrew Mikuláš Albert Silesius of Kamének (†1617) and Lukáš Helic, Jan Efraim (Efreim, † 1600), Pavel Jessenius (Jesen, † 1594). Helping with exegesis: Samuel Sušický and Adam Felín. The template was the Antwerp Polyglot Bible (1568-1572), the publisher of which was Benedict Arias Montanus and the Latin translation of the Old Testament Franc. Junia and Eman. Tremelia, prof. heidelber.(1575-1578). In the spring of 1578 the print shop was transferred from Ivančice, the estates of Lipá Nobles to Kralice, the estates of Jan of Žerotín. The printing works in Kralice was supervised by Zacharias Solinus (†1596) and then by brother Václav Elam, who supervised the printing of a one-volume bible.

Literature: Graesse I. 371, Jungmann; 1849: Jungmann IV. 1167, Bibliography No. 1107 and Bibliography-Addenda No. 1107.

Condition: The original binding of wood and leather is falling apart, a torn absent back of the book, heavily damaged. The missing title sheet is replaced by its copy. The content part is loose with occasionally missing corners. This copy in comparison with Bibliography finishes at page 416, the rest is missing.

24.11.2018 - 14:00

CZK 30.000,-
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CZK 20.000,-

THE SIX-VOLUME BIBLE OF KRALICE (1579-1594), Volume IV, 1587

Biblj České Djľ čtwrtý W nowě wydaný, Léta MDLXXXVII. [=1587] Syrach 48. 26. Izaiaš Prorok weliký a wzácný w proroctwj swém. [XIV] - 424 - [I] ll. (Books of Volume IV. Isaiah. Jeremiah. Ezekiel. Daniel. Hosea. Joel. Amos. Obadiah. Jonah. Micheus. Nahum. Habakkuk. Zephaniah. Aggeus. Zacharias. Malachy.); Kralice: Brethren Print Shop 1588
Scope: 4° ; [XIV] -424-[I]

Czech Bible published in Kralice. Year of publishing: 1587. The Print Shop of the Unity of the Brethren 1579-1594. Expert cooperation: Sušický, Samuel and Felín, Adam. Text printer: Solinus, Zacharias (died in 1596) and Elam, Václav (died in 1622). Translator: Blahoslav, Jan. The Bible of Kralice is the first complete Czech translation from original languages. The edition was co-authored by: B. Ondřej Štefan († 1577), Jan Eneáš Boleslavský, Izaiáš Cibulka = (Caepola † 1582), Jan Capito († 1589), Jiří Strejc († 1599), experts in Hebrew Mikuláš Albert Silesius of Kamének (†1617) and Lukáš Helic, Jan Efraim (Efreim, † 1600), Pavel Jessenius (Jesen, † 1594). Helping with exegesis: Samuel Sušický and Adam Felín. The template was the Antwerp Polyglot Bible (1568-1572), the publisher of which was Benedict Arias Montanus and the Latin translation of the Old Testament Franc. Junia and Eman. Tremelia, prof. heidelber.(1575-1578). In the spring of 1578 the print shop was transferred from Ivančice, the estates of Lipá Nobles to Kralice, the estates of Jan of Žerotín. The printing works in Kralice was supervised by Zacharias Solinus (†1596) and then by brother Václav Elam, who supervised the printing of a one-volume bible.

Literature: Graesse I. 371, Jungmann; 1849: Jungmann IV. 1167, Bibliography No. 1107 and Bibliography-Addenda No. 1107.

Condition: The original binding of wood and leather is falling apart, a torn absent back of the book, heavily damaged. The missing title sheet is replaced by its copy. The content part is loose with occasionally missing corners. This copy in comparison with Bibliography finishes at page 416, the rest is missing.

Asta: Arte e antiquariato
Tipo d'asta: Asta in sala
Data: 24.11.2018 - 14:00
Luogo dell'asta: Prag
Esposizione: 19.11. - 24.11.2018