Georg Baselitz - Buy or sell works

born in 1929 in Deutschbaselitz, Germany.


The painter, graphic artist and sculptor Georg Baselitz was born Hans-Georg Kern in Deutschbaselitz, Saxony, in 1938. From the start, Baselitz was a lateral thinker who swam against the tide of the artistic ideas of the GDR. He devoted himself to representational rather than abstract painting.His "hero paintings", created in the 1960s, do not correspond at all to the classical idea of heroes; the designation "New Types" emphasises this, and Frakturbilder continues the theme.Baselitz subsequently moved to West Germany and later to Paris and Amsterdam. His artistic models at this time included Ernst Wilhelm Nay, Vasily Kandinsky and Jean Dubuffet.
From 1964 onwards, print works formed an integral part of the artist's oeuvre. In 1965, he was awarded the Villa Romana Prize - the oldest art prize still awarded in Germany. This was accompanied by a scholarship and a residency at the Villa Romana in Florence. His works have been exhibited in numerous international museums and at art fairs such as the Metropolitan Museum, the Tate Modern, documenta and Biennale from the early 1970s on.
From 1977 to 1983 Baselitz held a chair at the Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe, after which he was employed twice by the University of the Arts in Berlin. His late work was heralded by the Russenbilder  created between 1998 and 2005, which were shown at a comprehensive exhibition at the Hamburg Deichtorhallen and in Seoul, among other places. Here, a change in the use of colour is evident, with the material being diluted to the point of watercolour transparency.


At the end of October 2021, Baselitz became the first German to be admitted to the French Academy of Fine Arts. The Centre Pompidou presented a large retrospective of his works at this time.
